K-Cup of the Week: Caribou Blend

Each week I review a new delicious K-Cup on an "official" coffee grading system that emphasizes four critical categories:  (1) Aroma; (2) Strength; (3) Taste; (4) Marketing Tactics that Forced Me to Force My Office to Purchase Said K-Cup.  I conclude each review with an Overall grade.   This week Caribou Coffee's Caribou Blend. 

Aroma:  6

As you know, I have been smelling a variety of K-Cups as of late.  It may just be that my sense of smell is dwindling, however, Caribou Blend does not have the powerful aroma that other K-Cups I have reviewed permeate. 

Strength:  6

 This is an easy going medium roast coffee.  If you are looking to take your day next-level, I suggest drinking another K-Cup.  I usually give this K-Cup to clients when they eagerly ask for a cup of coffee so they feel they are getting "value" out of their visit to our office.   Some attorneys may prefer to meet with their clients while they are having an "out of body experience" due to a cup of Black Tiger.

Taste:  7

I enjoy the taste of Caribou Blend.  The coffee is smooth, without an aftertaste that some bolder coffees produce.  

Marketing Tactics that Forced Me to Force My Office to Purchase Said K-Cup:  8

I like buying K-Cups from coffee retailers that I am unable to frequent regularly (i.e., Peet's Coffee and Tea).  Caribou Coffee is no exception.  

Overall:  7

Although I am a fan of bolder coffees, I like Caribou Blend.  If you are looking for an easy drinking coffee, or if you need a good "regular" cup of coffee the office, I recommend Caribou Blend. 

K-Cup of the Week: revv® Coffee

Each week I review a new delicious K-Cup on an "official" coffee grading system that emphasizes four critical categories:  (1) Aroma; (2) Strength; (3) Taste; (4) Marketing Tactics that Forced Me to Force My Office to Purchase Said K-Cup.  I will conclude each review with an Overall grade.  This week I go flying with revv® Coffee from Green Mountain Coffee.  

Aroma:  7

With a name like revv®, you would probably expect to smell motor oil seeping from your Keurig machine.  Nay.  You smell a fresh cup of coffee that is going to have you doing bicycle kicks throughout your office in no time.

Strength:  10

The coffee is called  revv®.  Green Mountain Coffee has its own website for revv®coffee which describes the coffee as a "high-performance brew with smooth balance and high-octane attitude."  I agree.  Drink one of these on Monday morning, you'll think its Friday.  

Taste:  8

I like my coffee bold; extra bold for that matter.  For what I consider to be an extra bold coffee, the taste is smooth.  I drink my coffee black, so if you like adding a tub of cream to your coffee, I'm sure the taste will be even smoother.    

Marketing Tactics that Forced Me to Force My Office to Purchase Said K-Cup:  10

Green Mountain really grabbed my attention (which is quite limited) with  revv®.  I was looking for a coffee that said "You are going to dominate today, Josh," so I purchased  revv®.         

Overall:  8

If strength is what you are looking for, look no further than  revv®.  If you are looking for something a little lighter, you may want to look elsewhere.  If you are looking for decaf, hide from revv®. 

K-Cup of the Week: Dark Magic

I drink a ridiculous amount of coffee.  In fact, I like to have just enough coffee where I begin to levitate above my own body. 

Each week I plan on showcasing a K-Cup that helps me achieve this goal.  This week, Green Mountain Coffee’s Dark Magic.

I will review the delicious cup on an "official" coffee grading system that emphasizes four critical categories:  (1) Aroma; (2) Strength; (3) Taste; (4) Marketing Tactics that Forced Me to Force My Office to Purchase Said K-Cup.  I will conclude each review with an Overall grade.  

Aroma:  8

Dark Magic doesn’t quite sting the nostrils, but the office will know you are drinking some Joe.

Strength:  8

I usually drink 2 cups of coffee at the office.  After the second cup of Dark Magic (20 ounces deep), I begin to levitate. This is a bold coffee.  Amazon's tasting notes provide that Dark Magic has "Spellbinding complexity.  Deep, dark and intense."

Taste:  7

Not bitter, but not the smoothest coffee I have ever tasted.

Marketing Tactics that Forced Me to Force My Office to Purchase Said K-Cup:  6

It's hard not to be intrigued by a beverage called Dark Magic.  Anything magical at the office is a must try in my opinion.

Overall: 8

If you are looking for a reliable, bold coffee for your Keurig morning routine, give Dark Magic a try.